On 2 November, 2016, a group of GCC municipal officials visited Riyadh Metro Project and Al-Bujairi Neighborhood on the fringe of the 20th meeting of the GCC Ministers of Municipality convened in Riyadh.
During the visit, the delegation met with Engr. Tarek bin Abdulaziz Al-Faris, ADA Vice President, and a group of ADA officials, who shed light on Riyadh Metro project, which will comprehensively change the lifestyle in the city of Riyadh by providing safe, sustainable and modern transportation services to the residents and visitors of Riyadh.
Later, the delegation visited the 2000-meter-long tunnel of the Red Line (King Abdullah Road Axis), which has been bored by a TBM using the sequential excavation method (NATM).
The delegation also toured Al-Bujairi Neighborhood’s urban, cultural and tourist facilities, and explored Historical Addiriyah Development Project, carried out by the High Commission for the Development of Arriyadh.