Royal Commission for Riyadh City - Comprehensive Strategic Plan - الهيئة الملكية لمدينة الرياض Comprehensive Strategic Plan - الهيئة الملكية لمدينة الرياض

Comprehensive Strategic Plan

The Metropolitan Development Strategy for Arriyadh Region The Metropolitan Development Strategy for Arriyadh Region (MEDSTAR) is the strategic referential plan that regulates future development of Riyadh city and all the factors influencing metropolitan development.

Historic Background

Royal Commission for Riyadh City Headquarters

Royal Commission for Riyadh City Headquarters

MEDSTAR was approved by the Royal Commission for Riyadh City in 1424H (2003). Later, the strategy’s execution plan was launched, which is considered a regulatory, structural, planning and executive framework of all authorities working in the city.

Regulatory Reference

Workshop on updating the Metropolitan Development Strategy for Arriyadh Region

Workshop on updating the Metropolitan Development Strategy for Arriyadh Region

MEDSTAR is a strategic reference that regulates the future metropolitan development and organizes all related factors. The strategy develops a futuristic view of the Saudi capital in the coming fifty years, and drafts a strategic framework for the coming 20 years to guide the urban development in all sectors, in addition to putting execution plans for the next 10 years.

Development Alternatives

View of Riyadh City reflecting its rapid expansion

View of Riyadh City reflecting its rapid expansion

MEDSTAR reviewed the current situation of the city and defined the expected results of metropolitan development process as well as the critical problems that may face it in all development fields through detailed studies on urban development sectors, in addition to suggesting alternative strategies to achieve these objectives in cost-effective ways.

The strategy’s final reports cover many fields including economic development, environment, transportation, facilities, housing, public services, land uses, development regulations, as well as the structural plan and its local branches.

Execution Programs

A meeting of the Royal Commission for Riyadh City

A meeting of the Royal Commission for Riyadh City

The strategy was developed in three main phases, during which all institutions concerned with the metropolitan development, as well as residents of the city contributed actively. The work would continue to refine the strategy and the Royal Commission for Riyadh City would implement some suggested programs with exceptional significance.

The RCRC also cooperates with the concerned authorities to implement other projects, in addition to updating the strategy and evaluating its results regularly to implement any necessary amendments accordingly.

The most prominent execution plans of MEDSTAR include:

  • Riyadh road network future plan.
  • Traffic management plan.
  • Public transport plan.
  • King Abdullah Road Development Program.
  • King Abdullah Financial District.
  • Urban Tourist Plan of Thumama Area.

A Tool to Measure Requirements and Outcomes

The key MEDSTAR achievements for Riyadh City included formation of a common ground for the planning and executive authorities working in the city, and developing a framework that unifies all efforts, in addition to serving as a tool to measure the development requirements and outcome.

The strategy consists of the following group of basic elements that encompasses all strategic and executive sub-programs:

  • Futuristic view, which forms the ultimate objectives of all the development works in the city, and paint a well-defined image of the future of the city within a 50-year time frame.
  • Policies of all development sectors that define the metropolitan development requirements and measures in the fields of housing, transportation, economy, environment, facilities, public services, etc.
  • Structural plan that interprets these policies and serves as an action plan according to which all works are carried out by the authorities working in the city.
  • Urban development plan in the city, and coordination between the concerned institutions, as well as follow up on their works.
  • The MEDSTAR execution plan consists of strategic execution plans in specific development fields to be carried out by the RCRC in cooperation with the concerned authorities according to their specializations (58 execution programs in total).

MEDSTAR execution program

MEDSTAR is being implemented according to a comprehensive execution program, which includes 58 sub-execution programs.



  • Activity Axes development plan
  • Detailed structural plan for Riyadh downtown
  • Local structural plan for industrial zones
  • Local structural plans for supporting the activity axes
  • Support for implementation of Ad-Diriya Structural Plan
  • Land periodic development plan
  • Main streets improvement programs
  • Commercial activities distribution study
  • Land use plan update
  • Development of regulations for the urban design
  • Development of the planning criteria


  • Future Riyadh Road Network Development Plan
  • The comprehensive plan for traffic management in Riyadh
  • The comprehensive plan for development of Riyadh public transport
  • Public Transport Project (Phase 1)
  • Program of integration between land use and transportation planning
  • Use of transportation system in Riyadh City
  • Study of obstacle management in Riyadh City
  • Institutional transport regulations
  • Transport economies
  • Engineering specifications manual for road network elements in Riyadh city
  • Transport planning lab
  • Updating Al-Batha Street study in the light of MEDSTAR results (connected to the Public Transport Project)

Services and Facilities

  • Public facility plan
  • Public service plan
  • Monitor and support of sewer network strategic plan
  • Monitor, support and implement water strategy
  • Recycled sewage reuse plan
  • Support the plan to meet the city’s power needs


  • Financial sector development program
  • Riyadh city tourist sector development program
  • Riyadh city information technology and communication development program
  • Industries and sectors development program for the bases with competitive advantages
  • Business incubators program
  • King Khalid Free Zone
  • Initiative of the establishment of economic zones at the city’s entrances


  • Study the future demand on houses
  • Housing development and finance plan
  • Facilitated and sustained housing plan
  • Issue simple guidebook for the modern house design and construction
  • Issue owner manual for house design and implementation


  • Wadi Hanifah development program
  • Al-Thumama Park development project
  • Environment improvement program in south Riyadh
  • Study the institutional framework of environment management
  • Develop a system for integrated municipal and dangerous waste management
  • Natural resources protection
  • Open, historic, and ancient locations development program

Urban Management

  • Urban management program
  • Urban development finance program
  • Put guidelines for the development regulation
  • Monitor and evaluate development tendencies
  • Operation plan
  • Building regulations development
  • MEDSTAR rules

Structural Plan

Riyadh City Structural Plan

Riyadh City Structural Plan

The structural plan is among MEDSTAR key elements, as it is the executive mechanism of the metropolitan urban development strategy.

The structural plan covers the lands that fall within the Development Area (over 5000 km²) that will meet the needs of 7.2 million by 1445H. The plan reflects the spatial and functional aspects of the urban policies. The plan also specifies the distribution of main land uses, activities, business centers, transport system, public facility network, environmental requirements and open areas.

Sub-centers: They are among the main elements of the structural plan. The plan specified sub-centers across the city to serve its northern, southern, western, and eastern sectors. For more information about Riyadh sub-centers click here (Arabic)

MEDSTAR Updated Program

The Royal Commission for Riyadh City and the Riyadh High Executive Committee for Projects and Planning approved in their joint meeting on April 24, 2011 the MEDSTAR updated program and the MEDSTAR update.