King Fahd National Library plays a leading role in documenting the national heritage and the local cultural production. It also represents a key metropolitan landmark and a symbol of urban development in the heart of Riyadh. Since its establishment, King Fahd National Library pursued a great mission in serving researchers and learners.
The Library is the deposit of the national Saudi database as well as the national photographic archive, and the department of registration and ISBN. The Library follows the ISSN system for books and periodicals. It also hosts the legal deposit system administration (applicable since 1404H / 1983), which requires all publishers to deposit copies of their publications with the National Library.
Given the significant daily size increase of its information reservoirs and archives and the modern roles it is required to play, the Library Board of Trustees decided to expand the existing building to serve as both national and public Library, in addition to its research and academic services.
Library building falls in the heart of Riyadh city and overlooks Al Olaya Street and King Fahd Road in the east and west respectively. The public garden, which borders the Library building in the east, represents a complementary element and a space reserved for future expansions.
Actually, King Fahd National Library development program adopted a unique design concept, and focused on optimal utilization of land along with paying special attention to the functional aspects of the library.
The development project will keep the current building, so that both the new and the old buildings would become a single integrated and multi-functional building without affecting the work at the library during the project implementation.
The total area of the current building is 21,000 m², and by the completion of the new building it will become 87,000 m², including the underground parking areas, and the old library building.
The Royal Commission for Riyadh City has taken into consideration all the library-specific requirements throughout the project, including the mechanic capabilities, and the precautions related to movement, administration, security, safety, flexibility, and expandability. The RCRC utilized the existing building to be integral with the expansion, in such a way that enables the library to play its national role as a public library and to meet the city need for more cultural facilities. Likewise, the RCRC insisted on making best use of the library’s strategic location, which is frequented by majority of the metropolitan population, through providing a good chance to benefit from the public library.
The RCRC redesigned the library old park and transformed it into a 20,000-meter²plaza. The plaza is constructed over a 350-car underground parking area, and it also has 171 external parking areas around the library and the plaza in addition to pedestrian walkways that link it to the northern and southern neighborhoods. The park represents a multi-function addition that helps in satisfying the needs of the residents living in the vicinity in a way consistent with the library modern design and pioneering cultural role.
The extension project increased library capacity from 600,000 to 2.4 million books, a capacity that could potentially be expanded to 4.4 million books in the future.
The new design provides significant spaces for office compounds and information deposits, which are not publicly accessible. It also includes a section for women, large spaces for cultural activities, an auditorium and rooms for audio-visual presentations. The building accommodates the library’s staff offices, library’s Board of Trustees, the headquarter of the Saudi Library and Information Association, and other service facilities.
In 1410H (1989), the Cabinet issued a decision approving King Fahd National Library bylaw and administrative structure. The bylaw and internal system of the library outlined its missions and objectives as follows: