On 21/11/2015, the High Commission for the Development of Arriyadh launched a set of traffic diversions west of Al-Madinah Al-Munawwara Road to accommodate traffic in the vicinity until completion of Riyadh Metro Orange Line (Part of King Abdulaziz Project for Riyadh Public Transport).
According to the diversion plan, if you are heading westbound on Al-Madinah Al-Munawwara Road towards the Western Ring Road, consider an alternative route through Sheikh Abdulaziz bin Baz, Muawiya bin Abi Sufyan, Aisha bint Abi Bakr and bin Jauzi streets.
For the Eastbound direction towards King Fahd Road, the same streets above apply, but in reverse order.
North-South and South-North traffic at the intersections of Sheikh Bin Baz and Hamza streets with Al-Madinah Road has never been so easy: Take a right on Al-Madinah, then go through the first U-turn and then right again on bin Baz or Hamza. It all boils down to Right/U-turn/Right.
As part of the campaign, ADA’s Community Outreach Team conducted field visits to the houses, shops, offices, and governmental facilities located in the area served by the new traffic diversions to explain the traffic plan and the accompanying temporary procedures. During the visits, more than 150,000 brochures were distributed.
For further information, please update Delilat Arriyadh App, or visit Riyadh Metro Website. You can also get answers or make suggestions by calling 19933, or contacting Riyadh Metro team via the following official social media accounts: