On June 2, 2016, the High Commission for the Development of Arriyadh celebrated the visit of a delegation from Charity Foundation for Caring Orphans (Ekhaa) to Riyadh Metro Project to get an idea about the project and its components, workflow, and expected returns to the city and its residents.
Staff of Ekhaa met with a group of project’s engineers, who shed light on the project, which will comprehensively change the lifestyle in the city of Riyadh by providing safe, sustainable and modern transportation services to its residents and visitors.
The visitors watched a video presentation that briefed them on the project’s main components including its 176 km-long six lines, 85 stations, parking lots, boarding and maintenance stations, control and operation center, and related urban improvement plans.
After listening to a detailed explanation about the project’s security and safety procedures, the delegation wore the safety gear and moved along the Red Line’s TBM 25.3 km-long tunnel via special trailers that allowed them to explore the tunnel’s components.
At the end of the visit, the delegation members took memorial photos with the project engineers.