Part 1: Introduction
Plant Characteristics:
Basic guidelines and information have been set out in this
manual in order to clearly explain plant characteristics and the
extent of their adaptation to local environmental conditions as
Frost Tolerant Plants:
Defined as « the ability to withstand
frost in winter» where plants have been classified as follows:
• Low ability of frost tolerance: 0° C - 2° C.
• Medium ability of frost tolerance: -2° C - 5° C.
• High ability of frost tolerance: less than -5° C.
Drought and salinity:
Indicates the degree of plant resistance
to the extent of extreme climatic conditions such as high
temperatures in summer and the possibility of completely
dry leafs. The degree of salinity tolerance refers to the plants
tolerance to irrigation water characteristics.
Salinity is measured by parts per million of total dissolved
solids (TDS) as follows:
• Low saline: less than 1000 ppm.
• Medium saline: less than 2000 ppm.
• High saline: less than 3000 ppm.
• Intense saline: more than 3000 ppm.
Native plants use:
Almighty God has granted the native plants the unique manner
to adapt to the extreme climatic conditions of the region. Plants
avoid heat during peak daily temperatures and leaves bloom when
the temperatures are cool in the evenings. They also have functions
related to the storage of water in their root systems to resist drought.
The use of drought tolerant species, especially native/indigenous
plants is a more feasible and viable alternative to importing
exotic species which can be very expensive in terms of both
irrigation and maintenance.