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Part 4: Index, Bibliography


Part 4: Plant Manual Application on Smart Phones

The home screen includes the plant classification

based on type according to color codes, and

adding visual icons as an attractive artistic touch.

Also, the bottom bar has been divided to browse

the application contents easily.

When select the plant type according to the color

code, a list of plants appears with thumbnails

of these plants, also there is a bar to sort plants

according to word.

When select certain plant, a general description

about this plant appears in addition to other

images with some details such as irrigation,

salinity level, frost tolerance, etc…

There are several means to convey knowledge in the modern age and modern technologies became an integral part of these means.

One of the most prominent technologies are smart phones applications which are available for everyone. To convey information

to all categories in an easy manner has become very important. Therefore, the application of “Arriyadh plants” has been developed

to become easy and accessible and can be downloaded to all types of appliances and by using all available operation systems. The

following is a brief explanation about the application use.:

Application Name: “Arriyadh Plant” running on iOS7, Android, BlackBerry systems.