How it Works
Every modern state has systematized
its processes for the regulation
of business, be it by domestic or
overseas companies. Contrary to
some perceptions, Saudi Arabia is
not a difficult place in which to do
business. Indeed, in the International
Finance Corporation’s (IFC) annual
survey of 189 countries, the Kingdom
continues to score highly. In the 2014
survey, the IFC ranked it overall 26.
Though this was down four points
on the previous year, the study still
showed that in key areas such as
investor protection, where it was
ranked 22, property registration (14th),
obtaining electricity, (15th) and dealing
with construction permits (17th),
the Kingdom offers a benign and
encouraging business environment.
Indeed, the clear perception of
those charged with boosting direct
foreign investment in Saudi Arabia
is the recognition that no economy,
even one as wealthy as the Kingdom,
can achieve real development from its
own resources alone. For the country’s
non-oil economy to thrive requires
the continuing attraction of outside
technology and skills, along with